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Apple Wine Fruit Base (Vintner's Harvest) (96 oz)

Apple Wine Fruit Base (Vintner's Harvest) (96 oz) $0.00

APPLE Wine Making Fruit Base - 96 oz Can - All Juice. Vintner's Harvest Fruit Wine Bases are solid pack fruit and or concentrate in their natural juices. Making wine with them is much like processing fresh fruit. Packed in 96 oz tins.

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Apple Wine Fruit Base (Vintner's Harvest) (96 oz)

Apple Wine Fruit Base (Vintner's Harvest) (96 oz) $36.95

APPLE Wine Making Fruit Base - 96 oz Can - All Juice. Vintner's Harvest Fruit Wine Bases are solid pack fruit and or concentrate in their natural juices. Making wine with them is much like processing fresh fruit.

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